Own interactive metaverse and unstoppable amusement park for avatars

Assemble, play, govern, earn and own 500S-worlds

We're making
on the blockchain
DNA of the best
Hollywood scripts
Own, influence,
and create
your own stories

A fully decentralized metaverse brought to life by artificial intelligence and Hollywood's best scenarios, built by players and storylovers for their avatars and NPC's.

Open collaboration with your avatars and give them a reason to live and the freedom of expression they deserve.


Collect loots

NearLoot is the first cloud of fragments of the highly evolved Utu civilization whose wreckage reached our Galaxy.

These are the clothes, items, weapons, and expressive means of the Noosphere created by the great storytellers. In one moment, all the inner worlds and their stories simultaneously reached the Сulmination. Because of an overabundance of meaning and beauty, the universe was scattered across the vast space, and is waiting to be reassembled into a single story.
These pieces are just one part of the puzzle, along with the characters, lands, and stories that the Murziks must put together to revive civilization. For the Murziks, whose advanced civilization has been destroyed by sloth and greed, this is a chance to touch the Utu сivilization, to take the righteous path of nobility, and, of course, to make some extra money.

Collect NFT


Collect avatars

Seasoned Murzik

The history of the Loot and its Lore, which makes the Loot unique, can be found from the Seasoned Murzik. Without Lore and Loot, you can't own lands and characters. The Seasoned Murzik is an essential character in the universe.
Judging by his constant grumbling and displeasure, he didn't want the job himself, but without him,no one would know where Loot came from, who it belonged to, and what stories were involved. That's why the Murziks often find the Seasoned behind the Bar and treat him to a drink to get some information.

Play now

Bored Avatars Bar is the first place players find themselves in the 500 Seasons universe. Here they are greeted by Faust, a bartender and MAYC avatar from the Mutant Ape universe.
He has intelligence and a unique character. He can tell you many interesting things about Loot and the universe's history and teach you how to make any cocktail. Also, in Bored Avatars Bar, you can fight other players with your Golems and win new Loot.



We're creating a project to bring meaning and life back to metaverses. The synergy of blockchain technology and AI will help bring any NFT avatar to life and make the metaverse great again.


The player can own the characters and any other asset in the universe - from weapons to scenario lines - and profit from it.


No player action will go unnoticed, and any decision can affect the entire universe's future.


The first chapter of the 500 Seasons universe story begins in orbit at a bar on a godforsaken planet where the Murziks and other citizens are bored.

One day they noticed debris coming from the depths of space that seemed to be just interesting space garbage. But greed and curiosity tell the Murziks that behind them lies something valuable.
And they were right - they are not just garbage but pieces of a great and wise civilization.
From that moment, the Loot from the other universe becomes the meaning of their lives, and they cannot think of something else but getting and reselling the Loot. In this chapter, you will meet the Murziks, get the first Loot from the stories particles and get a pass to the Bar.

First, there was a word. Then there was another. Words folded into stories, characters, and images.

In continuous and uncontrolled chaos, it all evolved to the scale of a universe filled with characters, worlds, and algorithms. The word became the door that leads beyond the boundaries of perception, opening and creating new worlds.



winter 2023
Stage 1
  • Launch of the website and development of a white paper
  • Create the interior of the Bored Avatars Bar, the first location in the universe, and introduce the MAYC avatar as the bartender.
  • Launch of the Cicada Quest puzzle painting that will decorate the Bored Avatars Bar
  • Launch of Bored Times and Boredom TV, a screen broadcast of content related to the life of the 500s universe
  • Launch the option to generate NFT cocktails together with Faust.
  • NearLoot Mint — Mint of the first Loot
  • Open branches of the Bored Avatars Bar in other metaverses.
  • Launch Murziks and MAYC avatars in the Bored Avatars Bar, allowing the Avatars to communicate with Faust.
  • Creating a DAO that will unify metaverses focusing on stories and bringing avatars and NPCs to life.
summer 2023
Stage 2
  • Launch the game with Golems battle.
  • Add the ability for avatars to communicate with their owners and each other.
  • Launch avatars in the Bored Avatars Bar and automate the reviving avatars.
  • Introduction of the character `Seasoned Murzik`.
autumn 2023
Stage 3
  • Launch and mint the Loot.
  • Launch the drama matrix. A compendium that collects puzzles and fixes owners and changes.
spring 2024
Stage 4
  • Launch the visualization and rendering of the 500 Seasons metaverse.


What is 500 Seasons?
500 Seasons is a large-scale, complex crypto project that redefines the boundaries of metaverses, brings different races of avatars together in its territory, and provides them with a playground in the form of an amusement park similar to West World.
500 Seasons includes:
  • An interactive cinematic metaverse.
  • A virtual space bar with MAYC avatars.
  • NFT battlers.
  • A service to bring avatars to life.
  • A cryptographic quest inspired by the project `Cicada 3301`.
What is the Bar?
How to start the game?
Who are the Murziks?
How do I get a Golem and participate in battles?


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